Hiring a WordPress Designer vs. Making a free Weebly site

The question is asked occasionally:  Why should I pay for someone to build a website when I can just get one for free? This is an important question and the answer really depends on your business model and marketing plan. In this article I will compare using Weebly to create a free website to hiring …

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How to optimize images for your WordPress blog

Page speed can be heavily effected by the size of images that you use in your WordPress blog.  In this tutorial I will: Image editors There are a lot of image editing programs out there and I know that everyone has their favorite.  Changing the size of an image is an easy task and can …

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How to turn off comments in pages and posts

  In order to turn off comments: Log in, go to that page and click edit (or find the page in the dashboard), find the box called “discussion” and un-check both check boxes. If you can’t find that box, look up at the top and click on “Screen Options” and make sure everything is checked. See below: …

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Relaunch of Ornaments.com

This site has been an active affiliate website for a number of years. The site owner has decided to included direct sales of ornaments through the site, so now although there are still affiliate ornaments, many of the ornaments on the site link directly to the shopping cart. The Shopping cart includes a custom module …

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New Website Launch for the Tumwater Chamber of Commerce

I am proud to announce the Launch of a brand new website for the Tumwater Chamber of Commerce!  The new site integrates with ChamberMaster allowing members to set up profiles, advertise job listings, and post events.  It is also equipped with a ticket sales function so you can navigate there to purchase your Taste of …

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How to export a CVS file from phpMyAdmin


Sometimes it is very handy to be able to export a CSV (Comma Separated Value) from your database. Perhaps you want to use your spread sheet program to quickly alter some of the fields or you want to quickly add new rows (e.g. products) without having to go through your administration interface. Here is an easy set of instructions to help you on your way.

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WordPress Security

Keep your WordPress site Secure

There is a really good article from ManageWP.com about WordPress security. I recommend reading it if you are concerned that other content management systems may be more secure than WordPress. The take-away is this: The main vulnerability in WordPress is out of date software and common username/password combinations.

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New Website Launch!

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new website for a great project:  The West Central Park Project! Much gratitude to the project founder, Alicia Elliot, for choosing Sea-Wing Designs to create the web presence for the park.  For now, the website contains a history of the site, a calendar of events, a …

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