Editing bulk products in OpenCart with ExcelPort

This is a tutorial on editing a group of products in OpenCart using the ExcelPort extension. I will be updating products in OpenCart v2.1.0.2 and using ExcelPort v2.2.2.

1.  Find the modules link in the left menu in your dashboard. then scroll down to the excelport module and click the edit icon.Modules linkexcelport link
2.  Check that you are in the “export” tab and check the “products” button. You may create a filter if you want to select only a portion of your products to edit. In this case I chose the model number as the filter so that all products that have a portion of the model number I chose will be exported.  You can do the same for price, name, etc.excelport export tabexcelport-4
3.  Be sure to leave the quick export button unchecked and click the export button.

4.  The a dialog box will pop open and depending on how many products are in your filter, it may take some time to compile. when it is complete you will be given the option to save the zip file on your hard drive. you may rename it to make it easier to find.

5.  Navigate to the folder where you saved the zip file and extract the contents of the zip using your favorite zip tool. If there are more than 500 products in your export, there will be more than one .xlsx file contained in the zip. In this case you will have to edit each one separately. There were 37 products in this export.

6.  Open the .xlsx file in your spread sheet program such as excel. I use libreoffice calc which works just as well.excelport-6
7.  Each product has an expandable section. find the small + sing on the left side of the product listing and click on it. This will open all of the settings for that product. be sure to scroll right to see all of the settings.

8.  When you have edited all of the products that you need, save the file. It must be saved as a .xlsx file. Do not change any of the field names or alter the format of the spread sheet.

9.  Go back to the excelport module page and click on the import tab.

10.  Click on the products button, click browse and find the file that you just edited. Leave both check boxes unchecked. You do not want to delete entries before the import and you do not want to import products as new ones.

11.  It is highly recommended to make a database backup before you import the products just in case. When you are sure you are backed up, you can click import.

12.  This should replace all of the products that you edited and not create duplicates.


Below is a video that goes into depth on how to enter multiple products.  I will create a new post that explains this in more detail.

If you have found this tutorial useful or you have any questions, please reach out to us.

Editing bulk products in OpenCart with ExcelPort
Article Name
Editing bulk products in OpenCart with ExcelPort
This is a tutorial on editing a group of products in OpenCart using the ExcelPort extension. I will be updating products in OpenCart v2.1.0.2 and using ExcelPort v2.2.2.