The question comes up from website owners often enough that I have decided to create an instruction page on how to edit one of your WordPress (WP) pages.
Structural Overview
First things first, let me give you a birds eye view of the difference between pages and posts. In WP a “Page” is a part of your website that stays fairly static. You may change the pictures or text occasionally but as opposed to “Posts” they are the structure of your website. For example, your “About Us” page or your “Contact Us” page. On the other hand, “Posts” are what would be considered your blog. Sometimes posts are used for something other than a blog, for example, product listings, but you can think of it as a type of page that you will create often. Posts can be organized with categories and tags and can be displayed either on a category archive page or on a page of posts. These are typically shown with the newest at the top.
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